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A Universal Law of nature
V/Et = K = h x sec x GeV-3 
I want to clarify my statements in my beliefs in a Universal law stating that for every source of energy  the equation V/Et is a constant.

I cannot say I can prove it as a fact, but in my calculations, the possibility of its truth is good.

I first took the only particle we are pretty sure we know the spherical radius R this being an atomic nucleus or a Proton.

A Proton radius was estimated to be close to 10-15m. to10 ^-20 m.Or 1 GeV-1. (Since Rutherford)

VP = 4.188 x 10 ^-24 x 1 GeV-3            VP/ Et = 4.188 x (10 6_24  ^3) GeV 6_1GeV 6_3 /  x sec = 4.188 x 1 x sec 1 being in natural units = to h   VP / Et = 4.188 x h x sec x GeV ^-3

Et = 1 GeV x 1 sec.

In first analysing the Nucleus of an Hydrogen Atom or a Proton whose radius was known since the days of Rutherford to be approximatlyequal to 10^-15 m.. In Natural Units = 10^-45 m^3         1 = h                

VP =10 ^ 45 GeV ^_3 in natural units          1 sec = 10^24 GeV ^-1
 Et is equal to h x sec. So  for the Proton V / Et =h x GeV ^-3 x  2sec. / 1sec.      VP / Et = h x GeV ^-27 / 10 ^-3GeV ^_24  VP = h  x GeV^-3  x sec
                                                                                                                  VP / Et = h x GeV x sec.  as  I estimted for this natural law

*Thevalue h x GeV^-3 in my vew its also the energy of the Field at rest
VP/ Et is equal to h x sec. So  for the Proton V / Et =h x GeV ^-3 x sec. 
Chptrr14 - Considering the Force of Gravity - Existence of a new General law

V/Et = constant

Plank set the constant h at 4.1375 x 10^-24 GeV x sec             SInce 1 = h in natural units

Ve/Eet is therefore very close to h x sec x GeV^-3, a constant I colled K.

In natural units Re is equal to 10^9 GeV^-3x 10^15GeV= 10^-24 m^3  

E, the energy of an electron at rest was found to be Ee= 0.51 x 10^-3 GeV x sec.
If this law is actually Universal I could find the volume of the Electron

with the formula Ve= Eet x h xsec xGeV ^-3      

h = 1          1 sec = 10^-24 GeV^-1    

1sec = 10^-24 GeV^-1

Re = 1.38 x  10^-24m = 1.38 x 10 6 _45 GeV ^_3

E, the energy of an electron at rest was found to be Ee= 0.51 x 10^-3 GeV x sec. 

Ve/Eet = 10^-27 GeV-3/ 0.51 x 10^-3 GeV ^-3x 10^24 GeV^-1 x sec x GeV^-3

Ve/Eet = h x GeV^-3 x sec.

Ve-= 4.188 x Re^3

Plank set the constant h at =10^-24 GeV^-3 x sec       
         3√ means cubic root
3√R e= h x GeV^-3 x rx sec           

1m^3 =10^45 GeV^-3

Ve/Eet is therefore very close to h x sec, a constant I colled K    K = h x sec. x GeV^-3 in the
Electron too.


 The Electron radius = 10^-24 m. that arbitrarily I gave to the Electron (see chapt.15) was also correct and is therefore now a proven fact.

in natural units Re is equal to 10^-24 x 10^15 = 10^-9GeV^-1 its volumeVe = 10^-24 GeV^-3

E, the energy of an Electron at rest was found to be Ee= 0.51 x 10^-3 GeV x sec.
I thought that the same value of a constant V / Et = K would apply to every particle. Not having any other particles that we know the spherical radius, I selected for it the radius 10-24 m that I arbitrarily gave to the electron (see Chapt 15) in Natural Units.
Re is equal to 10-24 x 10 15 =10-9 GeV-1               1 sec. = 10 ^-24 GeV ^-1
its volume Ve = 10-27 GeV-3
E the energy of an electron at rest was found to be Ee = 0.51 x 10-3 GeV  x 10 -24 Gev-1 
Ve/Eet = 10-27 GeV-3/0.51 x 10-3 GeV = 10-24 GeV-1 
Ve/Eet = 10-3 GeV-2/0.51 x 10-3 GeV x GeV -1 = h x1GeV-1/0.51 GeV-2
Ve/Eet =  1.96 x 10^-27 x sec = 1.96 x GeV^-24 x GeV ^-3
Planck set the constant h at 4.1375 x 10-24 GeV ^-3 x sec                   6378139^3 = 2.5946689^20
Ve/Eet is therefore very close to h x sec,x GeV^-3 a constant I called K.
the law is therefore also true for the Electron
If, as I figured in Chapter 13 the radius of the Earth is 6378139 m then the volume of Earth is 4.188 x 6378139 ^3 m^3. The Earth(not being a perfect sphere has only an average Radius Given to me by Eric Weinstain at 6378139 m). The volume of earth is 4.188 x 6378139^3 m3 = 4.188 x 2.5946689^ 10 ^20
The energy  Eearth is the sum of the complessive energy of its Nucleoids
As I figured before there are 10^51 Nucleoids constituting the Earth. If every Nucleoid has en energy of 1 GeV the total energy of the Earth source is 10^55GeV.                         1 sec = 10 ^-24 GeV ^-1
If the volume of thEarth is equal to2.59466952 x 10 ^20.  The  energy of Eearth is equal to 10 ^55 GeV.
V earth / Eearth t = 2.6 x  10 ^75GeV ^-3 / 10 ^51 GeV x 10 ^ -24 GeV ^-1 sec. =2.6 x 10 ^ 75GeV ^-3 / 10 ^27 x sec.
V earth / E earth = 1 xsec x GeV ^-3 = h x sec x GeV ^-3
If we consider Earthh as a source of energy we come at the same concusion that V / Et is equal to h x sec x GeV ^-3
WE then believe that V / Et = h x sec x GeV ^-3 is a universal constant.
I thought that the same value wuuld apply to every body possessing mass including the Earth as a source of energy

By righiingthe equation V =Et x h x sec x GeV^-3 we can find the volume of a source of nergv

Infhe electron for instance

Ve = 0.51 x 10^-3 GeV x 10^24 GeV^-= 10^-27 GeV^3 x sec.

Ve = 0.51 x 10^-27 x 10^-21 GeV^-3 = 0.51 x 10^-24GeV^-3 = 0.51 x 10^-72 x  GeV^-3

1GeV^-3 = 10^15m.

Ve = 4.188 x R^3 = 3√ 4.188 x3√ R           Re= 041x 10^-48 GeV^-3/1.61

V eath / Eearth x t =

Planck set the constant h at 4.1375 x 10^-24 GeV x sec

Ve/Eet is therefore very close to h x sec, a constant I colled K.
Ve/Eet = h x GeV^-3x sec. Ve-= 4.188 x R^3

Plank set the constant h at =10^-24 GeV^-3 x sec    3√R =Ve/4.188 x h x sec x GeV^-3 =10 ^-24 m.

1m^3 =10^45 GeV

Vt/Eet is therefore very close to h x sec, a constant I colled K = h x sec. x GeV^-3


10^-24 m. that arbitrarily I gave to the electron (see chapt.15) was also correct

in natural units Re is equal to 10^-24 x 10^15 = 10^-9GeV^-1 its volume Ve = 10^-27 GeV^-3

E, the energy of an electron at rest was found to be Ee= 0.51 x 10^-3 GeV x sec. 10^27
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